Mill creek

- 28,109 SF Addition and 9,031 SF Renovations
- New 3 Court Gymnasium
- New Weight Room
- Pool Deck Replacement
- Pool HVAC Upgrades
In the early 2000s, Mill Creek Community Schools added the Cadet Center, which bridged the gap between Cascade High School and Cascade Middle School and provided auxiliary athletic and student activity space. Twenty years later, they outgrew that auxiliary space and found that it no longer meets their athletic and student activity needs. Cascade Middle School also includes a natatorium built in the 1970s, which had reached the point of needing significant repairs or removal. The schools opted to renovate the pool, considering it an important amenity to the community and the school. The pool required the replacement of the pool deck in its entirety to meet current requirements and the addition of a surge tank. Air conditioning was added, and other HVAC replacements will reduce the humidity and improve the air quality of the natatorium. The Student Activity Center addition includes a gymnasium complete with 3 courts for basketball and volleyball, over 300 spectator seats, and a (Hoosier) wood floor. The S.A.C. addition also includes a large weight room, a lobby with restrooms, concessions, and a large storage area with doors into the new gymnasium and the Cadet Center gymnasium.